GDCE Group

Data Center Certification

TIA-942 Data Center Certification:

In the competitive data center sector, achieving a globally recognized certification significantly enhances your market standing and demonstrates your commitment to critical infrastructure standards. This third-party validation confirms your facility’s adherence to strict standards like TIA-942, showcasing resilience and reliability. At GDCE, our certification approach is anchored in ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021 standards, guaranteeing comprehensive, impartial audits. Our vast engineering expertise spans small to hyperscale data centers, ensuring our practices meet the complex demands of today’s technology, including machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Partnering with GDCE not only elevates your facility’s credibility but also simplifies due diligence for potential clients, affirming your data center’s robustness and compliance. Our process, known for its depth and speed, aligns with your unique needs, accelerating the certification journey. With direct accreditation from the TIA Accreditation Body and adherence to international standards, GDCE stands as your ideal partner for fast-tracking your data center’s certification goals.

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